Hi sweet pea!! You had another doctors appointment today and are continuing to astound and amaze everyone!! You've grown one inch and gained 9 ounces!! That's my girl!! I love you sooo much!!! Meema sent me these pictures. She said they'd make me cry and indeed they did. Your mommy took them while they were on the way to drop your big brother Josh off at school on the way to your appointment today. Meema said your mommy looked over and he had grabbed and was holding your hand. That's what big brothers are for...looking after their baby sisters! He loves you soooo much and I know you love him right back. I could go on and on about your mommy and daddy, but words can't even come close to describing the love they have for you and the insurmountable strength they possess. I love them both dearly. I may have told you this before...but your Daddy is my baby brother. Big sisters look after their baby brothers too!
Tons of smoochies and huggies!!
I Love You!!
Auntie Laurie
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
From Auntie Laurie
Posted by laurie at 7:37 PM