It doesn't seem possible that you have been gone now 6 months? We miss you sweet baby. You remain in our hearts each and every minute. You are loved so very much. Surely you can feel it from a far. I have faith that you are being snuggled, rocked and loved up there in heaven. Your star shines bright on us down here as we go on until we get to see you again. We are sending you kisses in heaven.
Love and many kisses, Aunt Jenny and Abby
We thought of you with love today but that is nothing new.
We thought about you yesterday and days before that too.
We think of you in silence we often speak your name.
Now all we have are memories and your picture in a frame.
Your memory is our keepsake with which we'll never part.
God has you in his keeping.
we have you in our heart. Author unknown...........
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Missing you sweet angel.......
Posted by laurie at 11:13 PM
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
From Auntie Laurie
hi sweet pea. auntie had a tough day today. i thought of you often. which i always do, but today may me sad. i always miss you too, but today i wanted you here. today was one of those days where i just can't stop the tears. words can't convey how much i long to see you. hold you. smell you. and most of all smother you with kisses. then cousin erin helped me a bit. you see she's been afraid of dying for a long time now. afraid that she never be alive on earth again. it really puts her into hysterics. we talk about it a lot. she had an episode the other night. so when i picked her up today from school she told me she had talked about you in religion class. sister rose asked if anyone had done anything they were really afraid too. she told sister she stood up in front of eveyone and read at your funeral. then she told me she had a revelation. that you were her guardian angel and her inspiration. if you were strong enough to leave and go to heaven, then she could be too. i feel and see you all around and know you are all of ours guardian angel.
smoochies and huggies and all of my love....
auntie laurie
Posted by laurie at 6:28 PM
Sunday, September 6, 2009
From "Original Aunt Laurie"
Today Emma Rose, as I was visiting with a friend who has four children I get to be a grandma for as their grandma lives far away in Ireland, Dee suddenly asked me about you, she has continued to pray, I smiled and talked about all that your family has shared with us in New York. I never did get to meet you. but you were and still are in my heart.
Love ,
The original Aunt Laurie
Posted by laurie at 9:33 AM
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Posted by laurie at 11:31 AM
Thursday, September 3, 2009
From Meema & Da
Dear Lord,We did not get to hold our Emma long enough to tell her all about you.Would you please hold her in your arms and tell her about us?With our love, Meema and Da
Posted by laurie at 11:14 AM
Sunday, August 30, 2009
From Meema & Da
Sweet little one. We are coming on four months and I still strongly feel your presence. Everytime a hummingbird comes to my window feeder and drinks and then sits a bit, I feel your presence. I see your being when I look at the flowers in my yard. Our connection has not been broken. Your picture sits on the mantle in the kitchen and everytime I look at you, I am taken back to the night you were born and I feel again the precious miracle that we were given. I know you are happy, whole and loved. I just pray that the love we send to you is reaching you.Our love continues directed to you. Precious little one, we miss you so.Meema and Da
Posted by laurie at 11:11 AM
Friday, August 7, 2009
From cousin Erin
Posted by laurie at 9:07 AM
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
My dearest Sweetpea...
it's been 3 monthes, but it feels like yesterday. when i close my eyes i can still feel you in my arms, taste your rosebud cheeks, smell your sweet scent, and hear your little baby noises. it still feels like i can look over and see you in the sunlight sitting in your spot on the table. oh how my heart aches to do all of the above. i, as would us all, would give anything to have you back. it's not the same without you. you should have been a 3 and a half month old at the beach with us. while i thank god for every day we spent with you, i can't help but be angry and wonder why. i love you my sweetpea and take comfort in the fact that you're not struggling anymore. smoochies and huggies and all of my love,
auntie laurie
Posted by laurie at 4:40 PM
Monday, August 3, 2009
From Aunt Jenny
Little girl has it really been 3 months today? In some ways it seems longer but in other ways like yesterday. You are remembered and thought of SO often. We all miss you so much. I can't help being angry.... It's not fair. I know God has a plan and a purpose for everyone but the selfish me wants you here. You should be with us and we should be hugging and kissing you while we watch you grow up along with your sister and brother. You remain forever in our hearts and we continue to cherish and remember all of the precious times we were able to spend with you. I believe you are at peace now in a wonderful world without pain. And here.... we go on but there will always be an empty place. A place that only you were able to fill and it's empty without you in it....
Love you so much and always and saying extra special prayers for you and your family today. Especially your Mommy and Daddy who must be hurting even more today.
Posted by laurie at 11:59 PM
Monday, June 8, 2009
From Meema & Da
Oh sweet baby!! I know I am not alone in having trouble composing this message. Partly because I am continuously talking to you each day and I know you hear me and the rest, because I'm still having trouble maintaining my composure when I am thinking about you. For such a little person you were a mighty powerful one. I know God had his reasons for the things he does but I have been angry because I miss you so. I thought that as time as passed my ache would ease but it hasn't. I try to picture you as a toddler like Josh, a curious and happy and 18 monther like cousin Abby, a rambunctious 4 or 5 year old like your cousins Jack and Zach, as a preteen like Virginia, Erin and Jake or as the lovely young lady your sister, Sam has become. I guess I am seeing a part of you as I get to watch them all.
You were so firmly entrenched in our hearts months before you were even born. We love you so much. You were truly a miracle baby who went on to bless so many of us. You came from God and you more than fulfilled the expectations he had for you. And I know you are in a place where you are whole again and surrounded by those who love you.
Sweet Emma Rose, how different things seem now. There's no precious bundle in that sunny spot by the windows, on the couch, in your daddy's cradle or in their arms. There's an emptiness in the crook of my neck where you would snuggle and I would sneak in endless kisses. Your mommy gave me one of your blankets and it is full of your sweet, sweet scent.
Even tho we knew you were on "loan" to us, saying goodbye was so very hard. Your mommy and daddy are two very special people. Even God thinks so because he entrusted you to them. We can all attest that they didn't let Him down. You are so very, very loved, little one. A part of you fills a big place in all of our hearts.
Your going home service was beautiful. Lots and lots of tears but then how could there not be. The whole family participated. Erin and Auntie Laurie each wrote and read beautiful poems. Uncle Rick wrote a very special piece for you that was beautiful. Da sent you off in a very royal way befitting the princess you are to us. At the cemetary we released 32 pink balloons. Did you see them?
Your little spot in the cemetery is close enough to the edge that we can pick it out when we drive by - that is if we make it by. The urge to stop and visit is too great. We've left loving reminders for you there. Along with more tears. Daddy and Joshua left beautiful flowers for you. I bring you flowers from our gardens so it's a bright spot for you.
We loved you so, we love you now even more. Sweet Blessings little one.
Meema and Da
If I had a flower for every time I
thought of you,
I could walk in my garden forever.
Irish Proverb
Posted by laurie at 6:15 AM
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
From cousin Erin
dear emma rose,
I hope you are doine better then I am.I miss you so much in fact everyone dose.I am so mad that I have not ben able to see you at all.I am sad.I will never stop missing you.
love erin
Posted by laurie at 7:58 PM
From Aunt Jenny
Dear Emma
We think of you often and Miss you so much! It's hard to believe that you have been gone for a month now. Your cousin Abby still talks about you several times a week. She asked me where you were and I told her you were an angel in heaven now. She replied. "Up in the sky?" Now how did she know that? Sweet Emma she seems to talk about you most often after her naps. I think you visit her at those times. She also blesses you when we say our prayers.
You may be in heaven now sweet girl but you are forever in our hearts. We see you when ever we close our eyes. Your time here was so special and we will always have those special memories to cherish. Your spirit remains just as strong as it always was! What a mighty fighter you were and what a lasting impression you have made. I will echo your Aunti now sweet girl. How I ache to hold you again and kiss your sweet little face. Until I can I will hold you in my heart that is getting bigger each day with all of the kisses I am saving for you in it.
Love Aunt Jenny and cousin Abby
Posted by laurie at 7:25 PM
Thursday, May 21, 2009
From Auntie Laurie
Auntie's trying sweetpea...can't find the words...i miss you so much...i wasn't heart longs for you...your sweet smell and beautiful face...i want so badly to hold you again...the tears that covered your blankets are still falling...thanks to your mommy i still have a blanket of yours to catch them...but it's not the same...
Posted by laurie at 8:01 AM
Saturday, May 9, 2009
From Uncle chris
A Prayer for Emma Rose
Dear Loving God,
Thank you for the gift of life you gave to sweet Emma Rose. Although you cause us to question your true love for us left here without her by allowing that life to so quickly leave us, please give us the comfort and faith to know that Emma Rose’s short life will give those of us surviving the opportunity to learn more about ourselves and provide us with experiences that because of her life with us will mold us into better, stronger, closer, faithful and more loving creations.
Now, we can only see a few of the gifts you allowed her to give to us. As the years pass, may more reveal themselves:
--She has given a young mother the incredible strength and resolve that she did not believe she had to allow her to make a decision for an unborn child’s life that made Emma Rose’s time with us possible.
--She forced a young father to stand up and come face to face, confront, and overcome adversity, when in the past he would have turned away.
--She has strengthened the bond of a betrothed couple and has brought them closer in love.
--She has shown a teenage sister the true precariousness of life and a deeper appreciation and respect for the true miracle of life.
--She has given young nieces and nephews memories of a cousin they will have forever.
--She has brought aunts and uncles closer together to further strengthen the bonds of their extended families.
--She has given grandparents the opportunity to love and care for a grandchild that will forever be their most special.
--She has given an infant brother no solid memories he himself will recall, but from others, knowledge that will strengthen him as he get older that he has a sibling looking over him from Heaven.
--You, most importantly, gave a young infant a few short moments of tangible LIFE, where she could feel the love of a mother’s touch, the sweet taste of warm milk in her mouth, the warmth and brightness of the afternoon sun on her face, and the breath of cool morning air that filled her lungs. She can be with you in Heaven now in pure happiness having experienced it here with us.
Dear God, Bless those of us that remain knowing that despite the sadness we experience at times such as now, you love us so much that you gave your only Son to die for us and our sins. Please give us the faith to know that you will continue to be with us, to create Light out of this moment of Darkness, and that you will strengthen us, guide us, and comfort us as we must continue on without Emma Rose.
In your name we pray,
Uncle Chris
Posted by laurie at 9:13 PM
Friday, May 8, 2009
Emma's Farewell...
Isaiah 65: verses 17-25
17For I am about to create new heavens and a new earth; the former things shall not be remembered, or come to mind.
18But be glad and rejoice forever in what I am creating; for I am about to create Jerusalem as a joy, and it’s people as a delight.
19I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and delight in my people; no more shall the sound of weeping be heard in it, or the cry of distress.
20 No more shall there be in it an infant that lives but a few days, or an old person who does not live out a lifetime; for one who dies at hundred years will be considered a youth, and one who falls short of a hundred will be considered accursed.
21And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat their fruit.
22They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat; for like the days of a tree shall the days of my people be, and my chosen shall long enjoy the work of their hands.
23They shall not labor in vain, or bear children for calamity; for they shall be offspring blessed by the Lord~ and their descendants as well.
24 Before they call I will answer, while they are yet speaking, I will hear.
25The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, the lion shall eat straw like an ox; but the serpent-its food shall be dust! They shall not hurt or destroy on all my holy mountain, says the Lord.
Mark 10: verses 13-16
13 People were bringing little children to him in order that he might touch them; and the disciples spoke sternly to them.
14 But when Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.
15 Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.”
16 And he took them up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them. Remembering Emma Rose Littlefield
April 2 – May 3, 2009
1. Sadness grips us all, family and friends, as we gather here today to celebrate the life of our youngest, dearest, and sweetest little girl, beloved daughter, sister, niece, cousin and granddaughter. In fact we are at a loss of words to describe her in any other way. So why are we so saddened?? Some would suggest that this should be a time of happiness and celebration, a day of joy and of jubilance. I grew up in a religious atmosphere that taught these principles. And yet I feel the same emotional sadness, and I am uneasy when I consider that this should be a period of extreme happiness. Let us pursue this concept for a moment.
2. Emma announced herself to her mother and father with a strong kick, a real karate chop if you will to the tummy. As her presence grew stronger and tests confirmed her arrival in about 34 weeks, her family and close friends were happy and jubilant—a new sister for her older brother , Josh, and her modestly older sister Sam. Were Emma’s parents surprised? I hope not. After all they had barely recovered from Josh’s birth, just a few months before. And neither believed in the Immaculate Conception for Josh, or they would have named him Jesus. Some weeks later when further tests confirmed the results of a suspicious ultrasound that Emma may have some challenges to her health, her parents were seized with fear of what might be in Emma’s future. Her parents were faced with one of the most difficult decisions in their young lives together. And they chose to preserve the life of one who was already moving and kicking like a dancer and sports player. They wanted to know and love this child to the fullest extent possible. Against all odds and statistics, they wanted to have a live, viable child in their arms and in their lives for as long as God would give them. They knew that Emma Rose might not live to reach 40 weeks. They knew she might face many challenges at birth and thereafter, but they wanted to know her, to bond with her as their daughter, and to love their child as they loved and cared for their other children, as long as God would permit, even if it was only for a few minutes, a few hours, a few days, or a few weeks. They wanted her to have an identity for all eternity, a baptized Christian in God’s Holy Name.
3. And so Emma Rose Littlefield left the protection of her mother’s womb and entered the world on April 2nd, 2009 at approximately 4:21 in the morning. She was immediately baptized by her grandmother according to the laws and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, witnessed by several of her family members in attendance, and placed in the loving arms of her accepting parents. She did all the things a young infant was supposed to do. She breathed on her own, stayed nice and warm and pink, ate to her heart’s content, and of course pooped and peed. And she was able to keep her parents up most of every night. She did so well at the hospital that they discharged her to home to spend some QUALITY TIME with her family. She even attended a family birthday party celebrating her aunt’s #41. The Staff of Portsmouth Naval Hospital and the Edmarc Hospice program as well as the often outspoken but never in doubt members of her family were THERE for her. More importantly, she was there for them and provided all with great joy. Joshua will not likely remember feeling the warmth of her face or the strength of her little fingers, but his parents will never forget or lose that picture in time. Samantha will cherish the lock of hair her sister gave her forever. Her cousins, Erin and Jake, will always remember holding her and gently rocking her. They will hold those experiences forever. And Abby will be reminded by numerous pictures and stories her family will share with her of the loving little cousin she played with during those happy days she was physically with us. And of course the image of that darling infant- nestling on the shoulder of her Meemah, the tiny head tucked against Sherry’s neck while she hummed the gentle lullabies so familiar and so comforting to babies.
4. And so today Emma’s parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends grieve and remain saddened. They will no longer be able to see her and interact with her physically and watch her grow. Her cousins will not be able to pull her hair, or confiscate her favorite doll. Killy and Porsche will not be able to lick her face, steel her pacifier or dust her face with their tail or wet beard. The family will not be able to share in her accomplishments. Accomplishments? You and I say! Mann…n she has already accomplished something we as Christians are still striving to achieve. She is already in heaven with a perfect view to our world and our actions. She is already in tune with the family she got to know while briefly on this earth. She is in effect our own little angel, our ambassador to God’s kingdom. We can communicate with her at anytime we want, day or night. We can think of her often and she will always be there for us for all eternity in the presence of God.
5. Her mother loved the name Emma and aptly selected that for her infant daughter and the name Rose just naturally seemed to follow. I decided to look up the meaning and word root of Emma, and was surprised that in English it means whole or complete, Latin , and German – universal. It has a similar meaning in Greek. I find that coincidental perhaps that the word catholic comes from the Greek kata halos meaning also universal. And finally in Hebrew the word Emma finds
roots as a healer or nurse . ROSE the flower, the flower of beauty and of love associated with Mary, Jesus’ mother in many countries and in several religious prayers.
6. And so as we pray to and reflect on Emma Rose, perhaps we can remember the meaning of her name. EMMA, THE UNIVERSAL HEALER AND NURSE TO ALL WHO SEEK HER HELP AND ARE IN NEED, THE BEAUTIFUL and loving flower; perhaps we can begin to see and feel the power and grace and the meaning that this tiny infant has brought to all of our lives during her short stay on this earth. And then the burden of our sadness will perhaps be lightened by the fact that she gives and will continue to give us joy and happiness throughout our journey while on this earth.
7. LET US PRAY TO THE LORD. Our response : Lord, hear our prayer.
8. For Emma Rose, our dearest little flower, that she may be in heaven with God this very day, we pray to the Lord…
9. For her parents, Annetta and Richard, that their grief and sorrow for her untimely departure will deepen their love and understanding for one another and for their children, Samantha and Joshua, and together as a family they may grow and enjoy happiness together for decades to come, we pray to the Lord…
10. For the men and women of the Naval Regional Medical Center, Portsmouth, who at all times provided caring and compassionate medical care to Emma and to her family, we pray to the Lord…
11. For the Edmarc Hospice team, let us offer our thanks and prayers for their enormous support 24-7 as they quickly and cheerfully responded to the needs of Emma and her family; let us pray to the Lord…
12. Let us hope and pray that Edmarc will have the means necessary to continue their medical and spiritual work as they respond to the needs of other infants who are sick , let us pray to the Lord…
13. I wear a purple shirt today to remember the Trisomy 18 Foundation. Let us pray that through the efforts and goals of that organization, Trisomy 18 will become an entity of only historical perspective to our future infants, let us pray to the Lord…
14. For all the infants afflicted with chromosomal abnormalities, let us look to the men and women who will pioneer the treatment and stem cell research to eradicate this awful disease with our Lord’s guidance, let us pray to the Lord…Lord hear our prayer. AT THIS TIME I CALL ON THE FAMILY AND FRIENDS TO OFFER AND SHARE THEIR WISHES AND PRAYERS ALOUD OR IN SILENCE.
15. My peace I offer to all of you, and my peace I give to you. In the interest of doing our part to prevent the spread of the Swine Flu, let us acknowledge peace to one another without physical contact this very day.
Delivered to the relatives and friends of Emma RoseLittlefield on the occasion of her celebration service to be with God by Dr. Hugh Bernard McCormick, Jr., her Da.
A butterfly lights beside us like a sunbeam
And for a brief moment its glory and beauty belong to our world.
But then it flies again
And though we wish it could have stayed...
We feel lucky to have seen it.
Author Unknown
"I'll lend you for a while a child of mine," He said.
"For you to love the while he lives and mourn for when he's dead.
It may be six or seven years, or twenty-two or three,
But will you, till I call him back, take care of him for me?
He'll bring his charms to gladden you, and should his stay be brief,
You'll have his lovely memories as solace for your grief."
"I cannot promise he will stay; since all from earth return,
But there are lessons taught down there I want this child to learn.
I've looked the wide world over in My search for teachers true
And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes I have chosen you.
Now will you give him all your love, not think the labor vain,
Nor hate Me when I come to call to take him back again?"
"I fancied that I heard them say, "Dear Lord, Thy will be done!
For all the joy Thy child shall bring, the risk of grief we run.
We'll shelter him with tenderness, we'll love him while we may,
And for the happiness we've known, forever grateful stay;
But should the angels call for him much sooner than we've planned,
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes and try to understand!"
Edgar Guest
Golden Memories
They say memories are golden,
Well, maybe that is true.
We never wanted memories,
We only wanted you.
A million times we cried.
If love alone could have saved you,
You never would have died.
In life we loved you dearly,
In death we love you still.
In our hearts you hold a place
No one else could fill.
If tears could build a stairway and heartache make a lane.
We'd walk the path to Heaven and bring you back again.
Our family chain is broken,
And nothing seems the same.
But as God calls us back one by one,
The chain will link again.
One hot day at Meema and Da’s last summer,
The family was unaware of what soon we would discover.
Your brother was an infant; we all basked in his glow
You had been conceived, and soon we all would know.
From the point of your conception, we all came to find
You my sweet pea had a plan; it was called “on Emma’s time”.
The weeks passed on, your mommy grew, it all was such a whirl.
It wasn’t very long before we learned you were a girl!
A sad day came, test confirmed, and no I will not dwell.
I’ll simply put it this way, my sweet pea wasn’t well.
This baby is incompatible with life. You really should reconsider.
But mommy and daddy stood their ground and said no, we will endeavor.
Finally the moment came; we’d all been waiting for.
The family went to Portsmouth naval, where you would be born.
Emma time appeared again…all part of your plan.
Don’t push! The nurse would tell your mommy, too late, thank god for quick hands.
You came out crying… family, doctors, nurses were in awe.
It was then my sweet pea you confirmed; you were stronger than us all.
Mommy and daddy brought you home and shared one common goal.
To live each day of life with you as if it was your whole.
That they did, your family too, sweet pea you lived so large…
Birthday parties, Geneva on her Harley, you even squeezed in a lunch.
Yes my dear, there is no doubt, that you were taking charge.
32 days God gave us, and though it wasn’t nearly enough,
God filled our hearts with memories, and abounding endless love.
Now don’t forget my Emma Rose, a few weeks ago we spoke…
When you’re with God, take that finger on your left hand you always like to point,
And reach to God and touch him, because your Auntie needs a poke.
Smoochies & Huggies as always.
Love, Auntie Laurie
After the birth of Emma Rose, I felt as if a miracle had occurred. I was so happy to see her and hold her in my arms. The smiles from ear to ear of Annetta’s and Rich’s faces warmed my heart. When it came time to leave, fear began to set in. I feared that I would go home and never see her alive again. Thirty two days and that call came. I could never imagine the pain and agony that Annetta and Rich are going through. There is no sorrow quite so heart rending as the death of a little child. Emma’s image is written so indelibly upon our minds and hearts since she was born. Our arms are empty, eyes are filled with tears and our hearts are like a vacant house. We sometimes feel that a life which is so brief was in vain and that God has mocked us by giving us Emma and then taking her away so soon. Emma had no opportunity to perform a work, nor was there any time given to develop character. Let us remember first of all, that Emma has an eternal spirit and she has gone into the presence of God where there will be an eternity to perform works and develop character. Although we do not fully understand now, the bible does say in I Corinthians 13:2 “now we see things imperfectly as in a poor mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is with partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God knows me now.”
Although the span of Emma’s life was brief, it completed a mission, served a purpose and performed a God-appointed task in this world. Her presence turned your thought to the best, her helplessness brought out your strength and protection, and her loveliness roused your tenderness and love. Her life has brought family closer together and her influence will linger in our hearts as long as we live making us feel the need to be closer to God. Emma’s life served a purpose. A brief life is not an incomplete life. I cannot put into words how each and every one of us feel, but Jesus in John 11:35, understood our sorrow, sympathized with the loss of a loved one. It states when Jesus went to a funeral for Lazarus “Jesus wept.” Because Jesus had our humanity and was touched with the feeling of our suffering, when he went to the cemetery, He wept – in spite of the fact he intended to restore Lazarus’s life.
In the Old Testament, David in 2 Samuel 12:16-23, said after the death of his son, “While the child was yet alive, I fasted and wept: for I said, Who can tell whether God will be gracious to me that the child may live. But now that he has died, wherefore should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.” David knew that he was with God and that someday by death, he would be with him forever. If we could only see how blessed Emma is at this very moment, it would reconcile us to the loss of Emma in our hearts. For in Luke 18:16, Jesus said “Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, that in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.” Emma is special to all of us. She was so small, but her influence was so great; her life was short, but the memory of her is long. As I said before, I* was afraid to leave Emma and go home after she was born.
However, by faith, I know the next time I see her, I will not have to go home for I will be home.
Thank you and God bless.
From Uncle Rick
When I Must Leave You
"When I must leave you for a little while
Please do not grieve and shed wild tears
And hug your sorrow to you through the years.
But start out bravely with a gallant smile;
And for my sake and in my name
Live on and do all things the same,
Feed not your loneliness on empty days,
But fill each waking hour in useful ways,
Reach out your hand in comfort and in cheer
And I in turn will comfort you And hold you near;
And never, never be afraid to die,
For I am waiting for you in the sky!"
~Author Unknown
Read by Aunt Kelli Bynum graveside. 32 pink ballons were released in honor of Emma's 32 days of life on earth.
Posted by laurie at 7:22 PM
Monday, May 4, 2009
From Great Aunt Laurie & Great Uncle Sandy
Emma Rose, so many here in Syracuse never knew you in person but knew of your gentleness and spirit that you shared so much. We have cried tears of sadness but do rejoice as you are with God. Remember on easter I told you the story about the little boy asking his baby sister to tell him about God because he kept forgetting? Well you did teach us/ show us a lot about God's love and now you are there basking in God's love. We will always love you, Emma Rose, Great Aunt Laurie and Great Uncle Sandy
Posted by laurie at 8:29 AM
Sunday, May 3, 2009
From Aunt Jenny and Abby
Dear Emma,
Today you have your wings. Sweet little girl... I know your in a place where you will feel no pain. And while Jesus and God are rocking you to sleep tonight also know that there are many arms around you holding you just as tight. We will miss you so much. We have been so lucky to have this special time with you. We got to know you and learn and see your sweet and amazing little personality shine. We also felt your strength. You have been such a strong little girl who defied the odds and came home with a Mommy and Daddy and to a sister and brother who all love you so much. It hasn't been easy for you but you stayed as long as you could. We remain so proud of you little girl. You are so sweet, fragile and delicate yet you filled all of our lives with your presence. While you were here it seemed so natural and special, You have been such a good little girl... It has been easy to forget that we might not have another day with you. Now that you have gone there will be no forgetting. Your time here has made sure of that. God bless you little girl. You are our special star in heaven and they are lucky to have you there....
Love always, Aunt jenny and cousin Abby.
Posted by laurie at 8:09 PM
Thursday, April 30, 2009
From Grandma and Poppy
Dear Emma,
It was great to finally meet you. You are so tiny and so beautiful. I wish I had more time to spend with you. Time to hold you and cuddle you and sing you more songs. You are so loved little one by so many. Poppy put your cradle together and it looked so comfy. You have an extra special mommy and daddy, big sister and brother. I miss you baby girl. Poppy and I wish we lived closer to see you more often. Bye for now; love and kisses......
Grandma and Poppy
Posted by laurie at 11:06 PM
Saturday, April 25, 2009
From "Original Aunt Laurie"
Hi little Emma, You are with me so constantly in my heart and mind. My tears stain a lot of things here, I wish I could hold you, and I am glad my little blanket can warm you. You are a miracle little one and you are reminding us we are all miracles from God. We will never be the same because of you, love "the Original Aunt Laurie"
Posted by laurie at 9:58 AM
Friday, April 24, 2009
From Auntie Laurie
Hi Sweet Pea! I loved Meema's last post. It said it all. I too am sorry I dampened you with my tears. You didn't seem to mind. I even got a few smiles out of your beautiful self.
It hurts to see you struggling. It hurts to see your parents giving all the strength they can muster to be strong for you. It hurts knowing that the hugs and kisses you're getting from brother Joshua will not go on forever. It hurts knowing that one day i won't be able to cradle you in my arms and shower you with kisses. It hurts my heart in a way i could've never imagined was possible.
I long for understanding of this. Perhaps i just got a glimpse. As i'm typing this at work, with tears streaming down my face, the song "I can only imagine" came on. A song about meeting jesus. I believe with all my heart that god sends us messages.
Just remember what Auntie told you this morning....when you do meet God poke him for auntie with your long pointed index finger on your left hand. Auntie needs a good poke from God.
I love you with all of my heart! As always...endless smoochies & huggies!!
Auntie Laurie
Posted by laurie at 11:53 AM
Thursday, April 23, 2009
From Aunt Jenny
Dear Emma,
Today you are 3 weeks old! What a gift you are and what a fighter. We are all so proud of you and love you so much. Your Daddy told me that you started taking lasix today because one of your nurses heard fluid in your lungs. I hope it helps you breath easier little girl. Keep fighting and we will all continue to treasure every minute that we have with you.
Love, Aunt Jenny and cousin Abby
Posted by laurie at 10:37 PM
From Meema & Da
You are such an oh so special gift to us. Just to hold you and feel your
warmness and hear your sweet little baby sounds is such content. I'm sorry that
we dampen your blanket with tears but it is only because we have loved you so
much from the minute your daddy first told us mommy was having another baby and
you were a little girl. Someday we will understand this but for now we can only
take every second we have with you and store them up for our special memories in
our hearts. Sleep well tonight little one, see you in the morning. All our
love, Meema and Da
Posted by laurie at 11:50 AM
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
From "Original Aunt Laurie"
Hi there little girl. Today I had a hard day, I made plans to go to the hospital to get my x rays and then went into a panic attack, finally realized, it was the time of the day when my accident happened, I would be headed toward the same destination on the same route. Obviously I didn't go then, but did later,allowing someone to drive and we went the route. I did it, but am drained. Then I come home and here are these beautiful pictures, you give me such hope. How precious to have your little brother holding your hand. Everyone loves you so much , every one I meet, I tell them about you and they are praying hard. Keep on little one, Love "OL" the original Aunt Laurie
Posted by laurie at 7:42 PM
From Auntie Laurie
Hi sweet pea!! You had another doctors appointment today and are continuing to astound and amaze everyone!! You've grown one inch and gained 9 ounces!! That's my girl!! I love you sooo much!!! Meema sent me these pictures. She said they'd make me cry and indeed they did. Your mommy took them while they were on the way to drop your big brother Josh off at school on the way to your appointment today. Meema said your mommy looked over and he had grabbed and was holding your hand. That's what big brothers are for...looking after their baby sisters! He loves you soooo much and I know you love him right back. I could go on and on about your mommy and daddy, but words can't even come close to describing the love they have for you and the insurmountable strength they possess. I love them both dearly. I may have told you this before...but your Daddy is my baby brother. Big sisters look after their baby brothers too!
Tons of smoochies and huggies!!
I Love You!!
Auntie Laurie
Posted by laurie at 7:37 PM
Sunday, April 19, 2009
From Great Aunt Debbie and Great Uncle Terry
When Great Uncle Terry and I moved into our house, there is a tree at the end of our driveway where half the trunk had decayed away. Since the leaves were lush and families of birds were living there, we would could not take it down.
We were going to take it down the following spring before it had new birds living there. There is a lot of yard work to do here and by the time we took a look at the tree it was in full foliage and birds.
Uncle Terry and I stood back and decided as long as the tree had leaves we would never take down the tree. That was 8 years ago.
Last fall I took these pictures, figuring there is no way this tree would survive another winter, the snow plows throwing road salt and stones so close to it. I walked out to the tree yesterday and sure enough there are buds waiting to burst through. We're expecting close to 70 degree weather today so we may have leaves by this evening.
Emma Rose, you are like this tree. You have beat all odds of surviving, yet you continue to thrive. There have been many times when I pass this tree, I think "How can this be?"
Always in our prayers,
Uncle Terry and Aunt Debbie
Posted by laurie at 10:49 AM
From Meema & Da
Hi Emma or our sweet Little Miss. You continue to surprise us all with your progress but then maybe we shouldn't be surprised with all the people that are praying for you. My day is complete when I get to stop by and hold you. You have such sweet mannerisms and are such a snuggler. Your mom says you got to go outside for a walk and feel the warm breezes on your face. Hopefully the sunny days will soon be here to stay. I can't believe how much you are growing. Your tiny clothes will soon be too small. Big brother Josh realizes that you are now here and wants to play with you. Unfortunately he can be a little rough but he really loves you. He is such a cutie and has the most wonderful smile. You've blessed us with a sweet almost smile and your beautiful eyes just sparkle as you look around. We are so glad you are in our world Emma Rose, our precious Little Miss. With much love, Meema and Da
Posted by laurie at 9:49 AM
Monday, April 13, 2009
From Meema
Hi Little Miss, Your mommy tells me you don't much care for your bath. I bet you would soon love it as much as Josh does. You were all done with your bath, wrapped snug as can be and looking very content when I saw you in daddy's cradle with all your animals around you. You take up a very tiny part of the cradle. Looks like a perfect place to snuggle too. I didn't get to cuddle you either because I had to leave quickly. I was in such a hurry to get to see you I forgot to do something important -- like go pick up our income taxes. Oops. Fortunately I was at your house and not over here across the river so it didn't take too long to back track.
Tomorrow I can see you longer. I'll bring you your cap for the day. Love you so much Little Miss. You certainly bring the smiles to our faces. xo Meema
Posted by laurie at 6:50 PM
Sunday, April 12, 2009
From "Original Aunt Laurie"
Happy Easter Little one. Today I thought of a story my bishop likes to tell. It is about a family welcoming a second child , a little girl home to join her 3 year old big brother. They wondered how he would respond to her. Soon after they found him in the nursery, on tip toes looking into bassinet and saying, "Tell me about God, I keep forgetting."
I bet you can tell us so much about God, Emma Rose, you all ready have by showing us much God loves us all. Love Great Aunt Laurie, "The Original Aunt Laurie"
Posted by laurie at 3:22 PM
Saturday, April 11, 2009
From Meema & Da
You gave us a little scare yesterday. But you have so many wonderful people taking care of you that things were soon settled. It must have been funny to see your nurse come roaring up on her Harley. You see, everyone cares so much for you and your family. There aren't enough hours in the day for everyone that wants to hold you to do so. And you are learning to like to snuggle. You make the sweetest little baby sounds.
It's Easter weekend, the time when God gave us his greatest gift. We are praying for another miracle this Easter Sunday. He gave us our Easter basket a little early this year and guess what? You were in it!!!! Praying for healing this season - most especially for you but also for the rest of us as well. We love you little one, Meema and Da
Posted by laurie at 5:58 PM
Friday, April 10, 2009
From Auntie Laurie
Hi Sweet Pea!!! It's Auntie Laurie's bday day today. It'll always be my favorite bday (shhh...don't tell anyone, i'm 41!) because you here to share it with me. And your bday is only eight days before mine! You are an Aries. Just like Auntie Laurie. I'm with your cousins Christopher & Erin and Uncle Chris visiting grandad in Tampa. Words can not convey how much I long to look into your blue eyes, snuggle you and smell your precious scent, and plant kisses on your beautiful face. I miss you sooo much. But you know what? All i have to do is close my eyes and i can feel you, see you, and smell you....always and forever.
Auntie loves you Sweet Pea...smoochies and huggies!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by laurie at 7:47 PM
From Meema & Da
Sweet little one, another day and another gift to us. Just to stand and look at you is such a miracle. I can't believe that you are such a precious Easter gift to us. I wanted to tell you that I have two new heroes. Your Mom and Dad are two of the most special people in this world. They love you so much and are giving you absolutely the best care you could receive. I should take picture of them when they are with you. You can see the love in their eyes. We are all so grateful of the gift of time we have been blessed with. You are such a fighter and have passed that on to us. All our prayers are for a special Easter miracle that our time with you can be extended.
Baby Josh who by now should be called Toddler Josh is walking now and doing his best to keep your parents busy. He knows how much they love you and works to put smiles on their faces. You will love him and he will be your biggest champion. Nobody will mess with his Emma. Big Sister Sam loves you too. She's a teenager - that's a life phase we all go through and it's not the easiest but we know she is worried about you and your mom and dad and loves you so much. You are so tiny, that I think you scare her alittle.
Baby girl. We love you so. I know you can feel that you are wrapped in all this love cause sometimes I see a little smile on your face. You are our baby and God's too. And we can feel his caring on us all.
Hope you have a good night tonight and that means mommy and daddy too. See you tomorrow. Love and kisses to our little one. Meema and Da.
Posted by laurie at 7:46 PM
From "Original Aunt Laurie"
Dear Little Emma! So long we have all waited for you to be with us and here you are now a week old! Haven't you always been here? I wish I could be there to have my turn holding you. I use to love to hold your daddy when he was a baby, he had the sweetest smile. I am so happy you like to snuggle in your blanket, I just wanted some way to be there, and I knew you had to have your own special blankie. Take care little one , we are sending lots of prayers and kisses to all of you. Love, 'The Original Aunt Laurie"
Posted by laurie at 3:50 PM
From Great Aunt Debbie and Great Uncle Terry
I see your pictures and cannot believe how perfect you are. I am amazed by how strong you are. Your Meema, Da, Aunt Laurie, Aunt Jenny keep all of us so far away of your miracles. I hope to meet you face to face very soon. Know that your Great Uncle Terry and Great Aunt Debbie pray for you and your Mommy and Daddy everyday. A candle will be lit for you at the Easter Vigil (Saturday night) and Easter Sunday serices.
Uncle Terry and Aunt Debbie
Posted by laurie at 3:48 PM
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Happy Birthday Sweet Emma from Aunt Jenny
Dear Emma,
Today you are one week old. You continue to touch and amaze so many people with your courage and strength. You have a plan and a purpose that only you and God know. And you have so many people that love you and are praying for you. My birthday wish for you is that you feel nothing but the love that surrounds you while you continue to give us all the gift of time. You are so special little girl and we are all so blessed to have you in our world.
Love, Aunt Jenny and cousin Abby
Posted by laurie at 10:12 PM
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
From Great Aunt Carolyn
Dear Emma Rose,
What a blessing God has given to your family in your arrival. I am so happy to hear you arrived safely and how brave you have been. You are such a beautiful precious child. You and your mommy have been in your Great Aunt Carolyn and Great Uncle Gene's prayers and our Sunday School class has been and continues to pray for you.
I'm your mommy's aunt and your Grandma Mary's sister that lives in Grayson, Georgia. That's about 30 miles northeast of Atlanta. We haven't had the opportunity to see your mommy in quite a while but we're always asking your Grandma Mary about her. Reading all these messages about your mommy and daddy are beautiful and makes me want to see them even more.
Little one you are loved. Oh, how I praise God that He is giving you time to spend with your family. God bless you child.
With great love and admiration,
Great Aunt Carolyn
Posted by laurie at 6:00 PM
Monday, April 6, 2009
From Uncle Rick, Aunt Sharla, and cousin Hayley
Dear Emma,
We are so happy to have been there when you were born. We just want to tell you how much we all love you. You are a precious little girl. You have the greatest mommy and daddy in the world. We are in total awe of both of them. They love you so much and so do we. You are such a blessing to us all. You are the strongest little girl we have ever met. Even though we had to come back home to WV, you remain in our hearts. We will always cherish the time we were able to spend with you while we were in VA. Please know that we love you very much!!!!
Love Always,
Uncle Rick, Aunt Sharla, and cousin Hayley
Posted by laurie at 9:52 AM
From Meema & Da
Oh my sweet one. At last we have a teeny little person to hold and love on. You were brought into this world surrouned by the love of so many people. The tears were flowing as your cries accompanied your birth. Oh so many prayers were answered. I think that in additiion to all the family members, there were extra people from the hospital in the room to see our little miracle. The joy on your mommy's face was radiant. I feel so blessed to have been able to baptize you.
Your first couple of days you didn't spend much time in the bassinet. We all wanted our turn to cuddle with you. And when you did make it to the bassinet, we all kept our eyes on you. You are a beautiful little person.
We don't know what plans God has in mind for you, but you have already blessed us all just with your presence. Now we have you home with your mommy and daddy and big brother Baby Josh. Welcome, Miss Emma Rose. We are so glad to see you at last. With more love than anyone can imagine, Meema and Da
Posted by laurie at 9:50 AM
Sunday, April 5, 2009
From Aunt Jenny
Dear Emma,
What a strong and couragious little one you are. You have exceeded all of our expectations and then some. We have been so blessed to have this special time with you. Your Mommy and Daddy are pretty strong and couragious as well. They (as we do!) love you so very much. They know your future is uncertain but they go on. It is so wonderful that you are able to get to know this special family that you are a part of. You are small but you are mighty. Your little spirit rings out strong. How lucky are we , your extended family, to be able to share even a piece of that spirit. We all love you so much and hope you can stay as long as you are able. Each moment is so precious. You are truly a gift and one that we will all treasure for ever and ever and ever.
With much LOVE and AWE,
Aunt Jenny
Posted by laurie at 11:46 PM
From Grandad
Hey Emma…
Welcome to our world kiddo. Oh my …you are incredible. Be seeing you soon little one. Love Grand Dad
Posted by laurie at 10:38 AM
Thursday, April 2, 2009
From Cousin Sarah
dear one,
in the wee hours of this day on which you will likely be born at last,
a mommy and baby girl in your extended family are rocking and thinking
of you, and your strong, strong mommy, deeply loving daddy and sister
and brother.
you are loved.
cousin sarah
Posted by laurie at 9:45 PM
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
From Aunt Jenny
Dear Emma Rose, I write this on what very well may be your Birthday. Today everything changes. We have all waited so long for your arrival. Now that it is finally here there are so many emotions swirling about. We are all so proud of you sweet girl. How can someone do as much as you have in such a short while? You have hung in there like a champion. You have overcome many challenges as you grew inside your Mommy's tummy. You have shown us that you are a fighter. You have filled all of our hearts with so much love. Your presence has been felt by us all. You are our niece, daughter, grand-daughter, great grand-daughter, cousin, sister, friend, and someday our guardian angel. Most of all Emma Rose, you are a part of all of us and you will always be surrounded by our love. We don't yet know God's plan for you but we do know that what ever it is little girl you will do it well. Safe passage little one. Good things are waiting for you both here and in heaven......
Love always, Aunt Jenny and cousin Abby
Posted by laurie at 12:08 AM
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
From "Original Aunt Laurie"
Dear little Emma Rose! I never knew how one little girl could be so strong to bring so many together! You are loved beyond measure, I do not, we do understand God's ways, all we know is God does have a plan for us all and you are loved. One of my favorite scriptures is from Isaiah 43," Behold, I have called you by name, you are mine and you are loved. " We love you little one. Love Great Aunt Laurie
Posted by laurie at 9:50 PM
From Great Aunt Debbie and Great Uncle Terry
Dear Emma Rose,
As you prepare to enter our world, know that you have already entered our hearts. God Bless you little one.
Great Aunt Debbie and Great Uncle Terry
Posted by laurie at 7:09 PM
From Meema & Da
Sweet Emma Rose, your journey is coming to an end. While you've been safe and secure in your mommy's tummy, so very many people have come to know you and love you. They think so much of your parents.Just because of you, we have met some very special people. And we have met some that weren't so great but we even learned things from those meetings. God had his reasons for blessing us with you. We promise to live up to His expectations.
Mommy had her last checkup yesterday and everything was great. She's had some very wonderful people taking care of her and of you. So now, it's almost time. Tomorrow evening we are all going to the hospital and and focus all our love on you and your mommy as she works to birth you. May our love cushion your journey. We know you will be so beautiful. Forgive us all our tears. They are only because we love you.
Aunt Kelli is flying up from Atlanta tomorrow and will be at the hospital with all of us. She is super special and we are so glad she can be there too. Auntie Laurie is staying with Baby Josh tomorrow night but she will be up to greet you Thursday morning. The same with Aunt Jenny. She can't wait to meet you either.
Haven't told you much about your Da yet. Cousin Jake named him that (he could do that because he was the first grandbaby and had that priviledge). He always called him Da and we thought it was perfect because that is the word for Grandfather and father in Ireland and he is pretty Irish - with a little Polish in there too. Your whole family is pretty multinational!!! Anyway, Da is a heart doctor and he has watched over you the whole time to make sure everyone has given you the best care they can. He is so good to all of us and has so much love for you too.
You've got alot of cousins. Cousins are the children of your daddy's brothers and sisters (an he has a bunch of those too). Christopher came first to Auntie Laurie and Uncle Chris. He's a great guy, 12 yrs old now. He plays Lacrosse and he is tough, you wouldn't want to mess with him on the field. We call him Jake for his middle name Jacob.
Next came his sister Erin. We call her Sissie or monkey. She's 10. She's a great artist and a very caring little girl. Next came Virginia. Aunt Kelli and Uncle Trey are her parents. They live in Atlanta. Virginia is 8. She is another great artist. Her brothers are Jack and Zach (Zachary Hugh named after Da). They are 6 and 3. You are part of a very athletic family. Everyone has played one or more sports and excelled. Especially your daddy. I remember that when he found out you were going to be a girl, he said he would have you out practicing golf swings as soon as you could walk. Abigail Ping Lee is your last cousin. She is two. Last year Meema and Da went to China with Aunt Jenny to bring her home. We can already tell we have another athlete in the family thru her antics. Your baby brother Josh is one today. He's pretty good at catching and throwing a ball already. And your big sister Sam is super fast on the field hocky field. Uncle Hughie is daddy's brother too. He and Aunt Elizabeth have four legged kids, Buster and Mousse. You'd love them too. We have lots of pets for you to love. There's Porsche, Killy, Petie and Nikki. Plus two cats Cassie and Quackers. There's about as many pets as cousins to play with. But I bet you already know this.
Mrs. Murphy, meema's friend, called this am to let us know that you and your daddy and mommy are in their hearts and they are praying for you as well. See little one, so very, very many people already know and love you. You are such an extra special little girl.
So, until tomorrow when we all get to meet you, we love you and can't wait to say "welcome to the family and the world, little angel. Meema and Da
Posted by laurie at 6:44 PM
Monday, March 30, 2009
From G.G. Aunt Linda
Dear Emma Rose,
Sweet child, I pray for you so often. I read once, "Let me do
today what the angels do in Heaven." Now, I say that and
remember you may soon be one of those angels. You are
surrounded by love and will be surrounded by unbelievable
love once there. Jesus' Mother Mary will take care of you
until you are reunited with your human Mommy. I believe.
There are so many people who have been praying for you
in my Church, little one, ever since I've known about you.
In some way it has helped you and your Mom, Dad, your
brother Joshua, all your Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and
cousins and so many friends who just love you & them so
much. Your Mommy & Daddy have been very brave for you.
May the grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the Power of
the Holy Spirit bring peace and healing to the dear hearts
who love Emma Rose, who will rest in the Lord's perfect light for special babies one day.
Very much love & wishes to hug and kiss your little self,
G.G. Aunt Linda
Posted by laurie at 11:47 AM
Sunday, March 22, 2009
From Meema & Da
Precious Emma Rose, Tomorrow your mommy and I are going to Portsmouth for another check up. All of a sudden we are so close to meeting you. In some ways we can't wait to see your sweet face and hold you ever so close. And then, there are other ways in which we wish it wasn't happening so soon. You see, now we are linked to you so closely. We can see you move in your mommy's tummy. We've seen you on the ultrasounds. We feel like we already know you so well. Your mommy has taken such good care of you and your daddy has been right there beside her, loving her and you both. It's been a magic time for everyone. A time filled with so much love, hope and caring. You've already had such a big presence in our lives. And we know that in the future you will as well, our own special little guardian angel. Our love will have to go a little farther to reach you but it will because we will always be sending it your way and I know that everytime a see a new flower or watch a bouncing little sunbeam that it will be a part of you. We love you little one. Meema and Da
Posted by laurie at 6:48 PM
Saturday, March 21, 2009
From Auntie Laurie
Hi Sweetpea. It's a crazy mixed up world the rest of us live in. but you don't know that. Lots of people having big problems. But you don't know that. Bad things are happening even as i type this all around the world. But you don't know that. Sad things that just don't make any sense. Like what i found out today. A sweet young girl, who always had a smile and conversation for everyone, that works at the grocery store next door to where i work was hit by two cars while walking home from work at 10:30pm. A sweet young girl who walked four miles to and from work coming from and going to her foster grandmother's home. But you don't know that.
You don't know that because you have a very special, strong mommy who loves you very, very much. You see, she decided that she was going to protect you and keep you safe for as long as she possibly could. And she's done just that. What you know is that you're loved and happy inside your mommy's tummy. You know your Daddy's a funny guy that's always around and that, despite his gruff exterior, has a heart the size of a giant that is already full of love for you. You know you have a big sister who is growing up quickly and has a very active life, but also loves you very much. You know you have a big brother who, although he isn't even a year yet, knows you and shares a special bond with you. You sleep with him when he's laying on your mommy's belly...a lot. I'm sure he's felt you moving around just as you have felt him doing the same. And I know for certain you've heard him babbling because he's pretty loud. He loves you too in a way that only he and you know. You know you have a big family who also loves you very much and pray for you daily. You know you're a special blessing to all of us! And that's all you need to know sweetpea...
I love you very much. ((((((((hugs)))))))) and smoochies!
Auntie Laurie
Posted by laurie at 9:22 PM
From Me Me and Grand Dad
Dear Emma Rose,
Emma Rose – what a beautiful name.
You don’t know us Emma but we already know you. And this is what we know…
We know that you are loved by all who know your name. We know that all of us keep you in our daily prayers. We know you have a baby brother named Josh - another one of our Grand Children – just the same as you. And we know your Mommy and Daddy - your Daddy more so because, you see, Grand Dad is your Daddy’s father. Emma, we know that you are one tough little girl and we will meet you soon. And more than anything, we know that we pray for you every day.
Emma Rose we know we will forever cherish every memory of you and will hold you in our hearts forever...
Emma Rose – what a beautiful baby.
Love you Emma,
Me Me and Grand Dad
Posted by laurie at 9:18 PM
From "Original Aunt Laurie"
Dear Little One, Today I have been playing with Anna all afternoon while her mommy rests. We have talked a lot about heaven. It makes me think of you and how much you are loved, you are so special to us all, Love Original Aunt Laurie
Posted by laurie at 9:18 PM
From Meema & Da
Hi sweet baby!! I can just picture you in my heart. Such a sweet little face with rosebud lips and teeny tiny hands and feet. I long to hold you so much. I am sure we will have learned so many lessons with your coming but right now we are focusing on welcoming you and pouring all our love into you. You have no idea of how many people are in your family just waiting to say I love you. Your mommy and daddy have been making the necessary plans for you. It's been hard for them but they love you so much they want everything perfect. And it will be. Angels are with you now and will be forever. All our peace and love, Meema and Da
Posted by laurie at 6:31 PM
From Aunt Jenny
Oh Sweet Girl, I wish.........Oh how I wish..... Love you so much! Aunt Jenny
Posted by laurie at 9:49 AM
Friday, March 20, 2009
From "Original Aunt Laurie"
Hi Emma, I think of you every day and talk with people about you. I am glad your mommy liked the blanket I made you, I wanted you to have something soft and warm. Today I am especially sad because a friend of mine just lost her little angel. She was loved just as you are every day. Emma, you are part of a large family that has ben through a lot of hard times, but in spite of it all we have managed to hold on to each other and love each other, it was so easy to bring you into that circle! You are so loved by so many people little one and we are grateful for your presence and gift to us, Love The original Aunt Laurie
Posted by laurie at 8:00 AM
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
From Aunt Jenny and Abby
These are My Footprints
author unknown
These are my footprints, so perfect and so small. These tiny footprints, never touched the ground at all.
Not one tiny footprint, for now I have my wings. These tiny footprints were meant for other things.
You will hear my tiny footprints, in the patter of the rain. Gentle drops like angels’ tears, of joy and not from pain.
You will see my tiny footprints, in each butterflies' lazy dance. I'll let you know I'm with you, if you give me just a chance.
You will see my tiny footprints, in the rustle of the leaves. I will whisper names into the wind, and call each one that grieves.
Most of all, these tiny footprints, are found in mummy's heart, cause even though I'm gone now, we'll never truly part.
Posted by laurie at 8:11 PM
From Aunt Jenny
A butterfly lights beside us like a sunbeam
And for a brief moment its glory
and beauty belong to our world
But then it flies again
And though we wish it could have stayed...
We feel lucky to have seen it.
Author Unknown
Posted by laurie at 10:18 AM
From Aunt Jenny & cousin Abba
Little Emma as you prepare for your soon to be birth reality is sinking in for me now, All this time you have been safe and warm in your Mommy's tummy and growing, kicking/ moving around proving that you are alive in there. It's been so easy to only think of the now and not of what the future may hold. I am a firm believer that God has a plan for everyone but I have to say (just between you and me) that I am having a hard time understanding yours. You have such a wonderful family waiting for you. We are so proud of you for being so strong and staying with your Mommy for as long as you have. She wants so badly to meet you. Your Mommy is both amazing and strong. I stand in awe of her. She carries you in her warm embrace each and every day. She treasures every minute of your life She carries on each day caring for your big brother Josh and your sister Sam and of course your Daddy. She does this all the while knowing of the uncertainty that will soon be faced. Your Daddy is pretty wonderful too. He is a great Daddy and will be for you too where ever you are.
So little Emma Rose there are not words enough to express to you how special you are. You are doing your best to survive and that is all that you can do. The cloud of love and warmth that surrounds you right now will only grow bigger once you emerge. And it will remain with you where ever you are. Just know that sweet girl.
With much love and prayers, Aunt Jenny and cousin Abba
Posted by laurie at 10:15 AM
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
From Aunt Debbie
Dear Emma,
You indeed have a wonderful, loving family. Every day I think about the people who will surround you, your mom and your dad. Sam and Josh, all the cousins, aunts/uncles, great aunts/uncles, grandparents and doctors. I say a prayer each day for all who love you, "I'm thinking about you and if today isn't going well, may tomorrow be better." I do believe in miracles, you have already proved they exist.
Aunt Debbie
Posted by laurie at 5:19 PM
From Aunt Jenny
Please Don't Tell Them You Never Got
To Know Me
Written by Pat Schwiebert
It is I whose kicks you will always remember,
I who gave you heartburn that a dragon would envy,
I who couldn't seem to tell time and got your days and nights mixed up,
It is I who ackowledged your cravings for peach ice cream by knocking on the bowl of your belly,
I who went shopping and helped you pick out the "perfect" teddy bear for me
I who liked to be cradled in your belly and rocked off to a dreamy slumber by the fire.
It is I who never had a doubt about your love,
It is I who was able to put a lifetime of joy into a instant.
Posted by laurie at 2:29 PM
From Aunt Jenny
I thought of you all, I closed my eyes
and prayed to God today.
I asked what makes a Mother
and I know I heard him say,
A Mother has a baby.
This we know is true.
But God can you be a Mother
when your baby's not with you?
"Yes you can!", He replied
with confidence in His voice,
"I give many women babies,
when they leave is not their choice."
Some I send for a lifetime
and others for a day.
And some I send to feel your womb
but there's no need to stay.
I don't undersand this God,
I want my baby here.
He took a breath and cleared his throat
and then I saw a tear.
I wish I could show you
what your child is doing today.
If you could see your child smile
with other children and say,
"We go to earth to learn our lessons
of love and life and fear.
My mommy loved me oh so much
I got to come straight here.
I feel so lucky to have a Mom
who had so much love for me
I learned my lesson very quick.
My mommy set me free.
I miss my mommy oh so much
but I visit her each day.
When she goes to sleep
on her pillow's where I lay.
I stroke her hair and kiss her cheeek
and whisper in her ear,
mommy don't be sad today
I'm your baby and I'm here."
So you see
my dear sweet one,
your children are OK.
Your babies are here in my home
and this is where they'll stay.
they'll wait for you with me
until your lesson is through.
And on that day that you come home
they'll be at the gates for you.
So now you see what makes a mother.
It's the feeling in your heart.
It's the love you has so much of
right from the start.
Though some on earth may not realize
that you are a Mother until their time is done,
they'll be up here with me one day
and know you're the best one.
Written with love
for all Mother's missing their baby.
-Author Jennifer Wasik
Posted by laurie at 2:28 PM
Monday, March 9, 2009
From Meema & Da
Hi sweet girl! Your mom and I went for her check up today. Last week we saw your ultrasound. We could see your face - so precious. It seemed like your eyes were wide open and were looking back at us. We all want so much to get to see those eyes open and get to hold you in our arms. For such a little one you've performed some mighty things already. You are imprinted on all our hearts. I told you about your dad and I would like to say a little about your mom. We haven't known her for very long, but the first time your daddy brought her home to us we just knew she was the person he was needing for so long. She has accepted this crazy family just as we are and is learning that she is truly a part of it. I've been lucky enough to get to go to doctors appointments with her and we get to talk on the long ride over and back. I'm truly in awe of her. She is a very strong person and seems to cope with just anything. She's made some pretty difficult decisions about you but they were ones that she knew were in your best interest. I just like being with her. And I am grateful that she is sharing this experience with us. You will be so much a part of everyone of us forever. I'm so glad that she is in our family and you don't have to worry, we all love her very much. Not much longer, baby Emma Rose and we get to meet you. Our love, Meema and Da.
Posted by laurie at 10:53 PM
From "Original Aunt Laurie"
Dear Emma, We are thinking of you every day along with Mama, Daddy, brother and sister! Erin says things so well, I do not understand at all why things are the way they are sometimes. I do know, you are so LOVED. I learned something from a friend of mine in the hospital, that I keep saying so I remember, "Everything will be ok in the end, if it's not ok, it's not the end."
Love You Little one, "Original Aunt Laurie"
Posted by laurie at 7:44 PM
From Albert & Dee Jay
Dear Emma Rose, you probably know this in your own special way, but please know that there is a lot of love going around in all directions with this crazy family you have become such a part of. We know that you are in for a rough road ahead- certainly much much more than the rest of us. But please know that you are special to your parents. And those same parents are hoping for a miracle but not expecting one. And you will enjoy the love and affection of your parents, not just while you are with them, but for as long as they can love and feel love. And you may need to wait a little while for a renunion with them, but it is worth the wait. Love,
Al and Dee Jay
Posted by laurie at 7:42 PM
Thursday, March 5, 2009
From Meema & Da
Hi Emma. Tomorrow we are going for another ultrasound. It gives us a chance to see just what and how you are doing. I thought maybe it was time to tell you a little about your dad. He is an awesome guy. Things were not the greatest when he was born and he fought very hard for his place in life. He could so easily have gone the wrong way, but bottom line, he didn't and was looking for the place he knew he should be in. He worked at all kinds of jobs until he found the place where he belonged and now he is in a place where he can expand his talents and do the things he knows are right when he is ready to do it. He is such a special person. Just ask your brother Josh. Your dad is there for everything he needs. He loves your mom so much and wants everything to be just right for all of you. He's a strong guy. You should have been able to see him playing baseball, basketball and most specially soccer. Boy, he was an incredible soccer player. But, nothing compares to the father he became when Josh was born. I can't tell you enough how happy that has made me. When he found out about you, he was so happy and then when we found out that you were a gift from God to us and only on loan to us, he struggled but he began to understand and now he knows how special you are and how God gave you to us for such a short time but he knew that we would always be so special for the love we have for you and the short time we have to spend with you. You will always be a part of all of us. We feel you will be a guardian angel to all of us and know you will be will a part of all the ordinary and very special things that are a part of our family. We hope that we can live out the plans that God has for you and that you will be proud to say that "hey, that is my family, see how great they are. As you play in heaven and in God's arms, know that we are aware and are feeling your happiness. We already love you so much, Meema and Da
Posted by laurie at 9:28 AM
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Held In Love
oh dear, precious emma rose...
you are safe and sound.
you are loved beyond measure.
every minute,
every hour,
every day,
you are held in love.
and it will be this way forever.
love, cousin sarah
Posted by laurie at 3:27 PM
Monday, January 5, 2009
Hi Sweet Pea
I got to see lots of pictures of your beautiful self yesterday!!! Man oh man you're getting big. Even looks like you've got a head full of hair already. Sounds like you're as strong as you are beautiful. You truly are amazing.
((((hugs)))) & smoochies!
Auntie Laurie
Posted by laurie at 1:09 PM
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Dear Emma...Love, Meema
Today was such a special day for your mommy and daddy and meema and da. We got to see close up pictures of the precious little one that you are. We all have such special hopes for you. We know that you are a wonderful gift to all of us and that someday we will understand that gift. For now, it is a peaceful time to watch you grow in your mommy's tummy and hear her talk of your kicking baby Josh when she lays him on her tummy. We loved seeing the closeups of your beautiful face. Goodness but you are a squirmer. Continue to blossom Emma Rose. We are all praying for the day we can hold you close to our hearts. You've already blessed us in so many ways. You are greatly loved Emma Rose. Meema
Posted by laurie at 11:57 PM